Connector - connecting you with contacts of your interest

Connector is a consulting service provider in Vietnam, connecting businesses from Europe/US to Vietnam through trade and investment promotion. 

What we provide

Connector services

Sourcing & Bizmatching

With our verified and updated sourcing data, we connect global sellers and buyers with Vietnam counterparts in all fields/sectors.

  • Introduce buying and selling
  • Arrange 1-1 meeting with trusted partners
  • Organize product and service promotion

Vietnam market information

We provide local market information, investment policy, licensing and other legal procedures.

  • Trade and investment policies, incentives and risks
  • Agreement, contract preparation and negotiation
  • Getting business licenses and investment

Recruitment Service

We connect Vietnamese skilled professional with prospective employers in Germany in IT sectors.

Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to optimize the recruitment process.

Business delegation

We manage travel, stay, corporate events, and site visits, tailored to delegate profiles, for business delegations hosted by chambers, trade organizations, government, and government agencies.

B2B content marketing

Our parent company, Levica, is a strategic content marketing agency. We help successful B2B organizations and brands grow faster while utilizing the full power of content marketing

Country sales partner

Not only do we source and arrange meetings between you and your potential clients/partners, we also follow up and engage with them on behalf of your company via emails, phones or meetings to develop lasting relationships and assist you to seal contracts with them.

Local insight - global network

Why choose Connector

Our team

Connector consultants

Truc Phan - Managing Director

“I can’t emphasize enough the importance of customers to a company, from helping shape company business strategies to a source of inspiration for marketing strategies. For Connector, customers are the drive to strive for and thrive with.”

Sanjeev Ranjan - Senior Consultant

“Even the best sales guys need organizational support. Technology today provides the best way to do so. Let Technology orchestrate your organization’s sales and marketing effort in exceeding customers’ demands as you seek to disrupt the market place.”

Kasado Hirofumi - Senior Consultant

“Witnessing the development of Vietnam over 15 years working here & digital world, I strongly believe digital marketing, especially content marketing will help boost the connection between Vietnam and Japan.”